Cuprate Meeting 2024-07-02 highlights

Highlights of the Cuprate meeting of July 2 2024:


  • boog900: Posted a new CCS proposal and finished the first part of their improvements to the P2P API + other misc things.
  • hinto-janai: “misc fixes / repo changes, benches/lints stuff, I think I’ll be starting the mass RPC type porting today”.
  • syntheticbird: Announced working on cuprate as of tomorrow, starting by catching up missed events.
  • yamabiiko: Explored monerod’s ZMQ codebase and reviewed draft ZMQ proposal.

What is next:

There has been discussion on current priorities and Tor integration into P2P Code, most notably Arti integration for torless systems.

  • ZMQ is still not a priority for testnet release.
  • P2P Code is not mature enough for integrating Tor as of now.
  • moo900 has tried to hold hostage participants for a week long meeting.
  • Thoughts has been requested on workspace lints to be applied.


You can find all meetings logs here: