Cuprate Meeting 2024-07-16 highlights
Highlights of the Cuprate meeting of July 16 2024:
- fluorescent_beige: Working on hot-swappable database (Issue #209)
- boog900: Took some (deserved) days off, spent their time on alt-chain handling, and will propose tomorrow a set of changes for consensus and database code.
- hinto-janai: “finishing up custom (de)serialization code for RPC types, will start implementing the RPC interface soon”.
- yamabiiko: Submitted their CCS for ZMQ work.
What is next:
There has been discussion on yamabiiko’s CCS and several advices to complete it.
- yamabiiko planned on documenting ZMQ and pushing it to monero-site as well as monero-project’s github wiki.
You can find all meetings logs here: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1036